OpenSSL Blog

New OMC Member and New Committers


We first announced last year the OpenSSL Management Committee and separate Committers groups aimed at enabling greater involvement from the community.

We have now added a new OMC member and two new committers.

The latest addition to the OMC is:

The latest additions to the committers are:

What this means for the OpenSSL community is that there is now a larger group of active developers who have the ability to review and commit code to our source code repository. These new committers will help the existing committers with our review process (i.e., their reviews count towards approval) which we anticipate will help us keep on top of the github issues and pull request queues.

As always, we welcome comments on submissions and technical reviews of pull requests from anyone in the community.

Note: All submissions must be reviewed and approved by at least two committers, one of whom must also be an OMC member as described in the project bylaws

As well as the above additions to our team, Rich Salz has now left his roles as OpenSSL Management Committee member and OpenSSL committer. Rich has had a long standing association with the project and we would like to thank him for his many significant contributions over the years.
